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Manage Mold and Mildew
Do you ever look around your Grady and wonder how to keep it looking new? A great way to do this is to prevent mold and mildew from gaining a foothold and becoming an eyesore on your Grady. Cleaning on a regular basis will keep these at bay.
Mildew is very difficult to remove once it’s established, so clean with non-chlorine mildew removers and cleaners to keep this from happening. How often you’ll need to clean depends on your local conditions. You can use stronger cleaners including products like soft scrub, but be very careful with anything containing bleach like Tilex®. Heavy cleansers and bleaches can damage gel coats, so a quick wash and clean up after every outing is the very best way to keep your Grady-White maintained.
Test any cleaner in an inconspicuous area to make sure that it won't damage or discolor surrounding surfaces. After applying the cleaner, allow it to soak on the area. Some areas may need to be scrubbed with a brush or cloth or cleaned more than once. After this, rinse the area thoroughly with plenty of water.
Grady-Whites are designed so that clean up is a snap! Every Grady-White has a glass liner and is self-bailing, so rinse water drains overboard by force of gravity through big scuppers.
There are products that are designed to act as barriers to mold and mildew. One such product is Bioshield® 75. Some of us here at Grady-White have been using this product on our personal boats, and we have seen good results. Bioshield is applied to a clean surface and allowed to dry. The surface will still need to be cleaned, but the formation of mold and mildew is inhibited between cleanings. Bioshield can be used on other mildew-prone surfaces such as canvas and cushions. The product should be reapplied about every 90 days.
There’s also a “green” home remedy solution for mold issues on your Grady: vinegar. Vinegar is safe, environmentally friendly and just as effective at killing mold as bleach. Simply fill a spray bottle with straight undiluted household white vinegar, spray it directly on the mold and watch it disappear! It is important not to dilute the vinegar with water. Vinegar has a strong smell but the odor will fade away in a few hours.
Keeping your boat clean and free of mold and mildew will help you have a great time on the water with friends and family. It only takes a little time after a wonderful day on your Grady-White to ensure the next trip will be just as enjoyable!